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Suburb Houses


Here's a list of our inspection services. Feel free to ask us about additional types of inspections. We perform all of our inspections according to the Inspection Standards of Practice.

residential home inspector logo


A home is probably the biggest purchase you’ll ever make, so it’s important to understand the condition of your investment. I’ll provide a non-invasive evaluation of the home’s accessible structure, systems and components. While a home inspection can’t reveal every concern that exists, it will significantly reduce your anxiety by arming you with the knowledge you need to make an informed home-buying decision.

move in inspection


Our Move-In Inspections provide a comprehensive assessment of your new home before you settle in. Our expert inspectors thoroughly examine the property, documenting any existing damages or issues. By conducting these inspections, we ensure that you have a clear understanding of the condition of the property before you move in. Our detailed reports serve as valuable documentation for potential repairs or claims. Trust us to provide peace of mind and a smooth transition with our thorough Move-In Inspections.

Four Point Inspector


Ensure the safety and functionality of your home with our comprehensive Four Point Inspections. We assess the roof, electrical, plumbing, and HVAC systems, identifying any issues or risks. This inspection is often required for insurance purposes, providing crucial information on your home's condition. Our detailed reports offer valuable insights and recommendations for repairs or improvements. Trust us for a thorough Four Point Inspection to keep your home safe and reliable.

wind mitigation inspection


Protect your home from windstorms with our inspections. We assess vulnerability and recommend improvements to enhance resilience. Expert inspectors examine key components for wind resistance. Reduce damage and potentially lower insurance premiums. Detailed reports offer insights and recommendations. Trust us for comprehensive Wind Mitigation Inspections to strengthen your home.

Repair Verification


Ensure proper repairs with our Verification service. Our expert inspectors confirm that identified issues have been addressed and repaired to industry standards. Gain peace of mind knowing repairs are complete. Our detailed reports provide documentation and validation. Trust us for comprehensive Repair Verification in your home.

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